Voluntary Governance, Rights, Progress

Libertarian International Organization


Hi! LIO Libertarians and fans are in every country, and most districts. LIO: Non-partisan voluntary association of homes  on voluntary association itself. As  engines of progress, we discuss and protect the process–scientific & parliamentary–notably the option of states/areas like 2017 Florida in all countries, wide choice of local societies therein, and in those areas legality of hyper-tolerant LIO fan eco-homes to -condominia. and user co-ops. Advised by LIO Fellows and the curator home, we share projects, links, volunteerism, wins. In so doing, we help drive the futureShare! …Have a FAQ? What are Libertarians doing about X? > For Blog & Fellow Thinkpieces Click BLOG or see ABOUT

LIO Libertarians, fans share today …
  • Libertarians and fans are in every country sharing their SMILE-interest voluntary and volunteer projects...
  • LIO welcome host Ecuador's astronaut Cmdr. Nader works for education & peace...
  • Many LIO fans are intensely interested in dialogue on bettering core right (ownership) of one's life and goods, and voluntary choices--not coercive rules.
  • LIO fans share projects! LIO Curator MG focuses on a world of 2016 Floridas with 16% libertarian-interested voters...and logic taught K-14...
  • Other projects: Voluntary endowments for base income guarantee
  • Many LIO fans like this African conference work for continental free trade & immigration...
  • LIO Fellow nobelist Milton Friedman began a a world movement for farmer's markets and ending the draft...
  • Florida-like direct-democracy/local autonomy options for all nations...
  • Pro-libertarians are in political office in many countries from Costa Rica to China...
  • LIO fans work to replace prisons and punishment with rehabilitation/restorative justice.
  • LIO Fellows led the way in creating and legalizing the neutral and free internet and low-cost phones...
  • Many LIO fans are on or support local Sister Cities boards and projects...
  • LIO Fellow Peter Drucker led the way in participative self-management discussion and privatization tools...
  • More use of co-ops in the economy like Mondragon
  • LIO Fellow Russell means worked tirelessly to bring attention to First Peoples around the world...
  • LIO fans favor right of abortion, but also snowflake babies to make abortions non-destructive removals...
  • LIO fans are involved in various Life Extension initiatives from genetic research to safety improvement...
  • LIO fans use peaceful people-power to end totalitarian fascist, socialist, communist regimes...
  • Libertarians work on voluntary solutions to bring pollution to  better than pre-industrial levels...what's your project? Share at our Facebooks.
Libertarians and fans are in every country sharing their SMILE-interest voluntary and volunteer projects...
Libertarians and fans are in every country sharing their SMILE-interest voluntary and volunteer projects…