I LOVE LIO: We help you build and highlight leaders…and self-leaders…


David Nolan, a top thinker of the XXth Century, champion of the Nolan Chart: I’m happy to be asked to help inspire rights and Libertarian-interested projects and civic groups worldwide. Start here! I love LIO… and many feel LIO Fellows and supporters are the shock troops of progress and the trailblazers for greater participation. Share your projects with us! Favorite projects  I  helped start or publicize include the model Libertarian-direction US LP , Advocates and the international CATO , ISIL conference and Book Club projects …All can help promote discussion and help you lead the way in out-of-the-box political and personal action and civic science. Network, get oriented, use the links around this page of LIO tools, LIO user projects…




Dr. Margeret Tse favorite projects include: The Mt. Pelerin Society, also Liberdade- the Liberal and Libertarian Institutes of Brazil, and is welcome host to empower people in acting on rights issues: Many people clearly enjoy sharing in an atmosphere that is  cultural and non-partisan. LIO seeks to better and protect the process, help citizens use it well, and highlight key lines of progress in fighting ignorance, bigotry, poverty, and war. Get inspired!




  Meaghan Williams, Native American, homeschool   education and anti-poverty activist, and columnist, says: See if you agree that LIO provides a unique platform where top activists for progress and rights can be recognized, share project information, and inspire everyone…


AIM: Network, highlight, build Libertarian-interested leaders and self-leadership in home, work, civic life.


ABOUT: LIO is derived from the freeholder (in Iberian, libertario) councils of the Gil-Lemos clan and was formalized as the Libertarian and Liberal League in the late 1700’s to help enlightenment, end slavery, expand the vote, and progress via voluntary entities, and to re-found Libertarian communities. It was re-consitituted as LIO starting 1978, as a separate entity.


MISSION: To inform and encourage voluntary tools and alternatives, including public administration and non-authoritarian management or co-ops. As such we help to network and advise leaders who develop Liberal, then Libertarian republics and promote advance through voluntary societies in general to LIO lines (currently the SMILE program of better dialogue in Space-sea-Garden Earth, Machine-Thought Servants, Individual Improvement, Life Extension and Empowering voluntary community).


LIO GOALS: This site networks and highlights– and by example, sharing, and workshops develops–pledged Libertarians, leaders, and those generally supportive to use voluntary tools to better personal, work, and civic life; and links to LIO support or other sites.


TEAM: Co-ordinated and curated for long term continuity by a successor branch of the Gil-Lemos, it networks via 3 teams: confidential Public Safety Group of mostly retired public safety officials interested in opening society; the open Cultural Advisory Board on SMILE topics; and a new global network for local Fora, clubs and supporter-users.


TO SUPPORT: LIO advises on areas of dialogue and best practice, advancing no issues as such beyond the value of the conscious voluntary process. It neither provides nor accepts money, but welcomes LIO supporters seeking to be highlighted and networked.


IS LIO LIBERTARIAN, LIBERAL OR WHAT? LIO is secular, neutral, trans-partisan; and so strictly defines Libertarianism as those working to better rights through conscious voluntary communities and projects of any economic or other structure–from religious communities to socialist anarchisms to town-hall republics–and eventual LIO model eco-communities and guided legal systems. Liberalism, or Libertarian-orientation, seeks to better rights and reduce abuses in a federal and localist approach. Most “Libertarian” entities are Libertarian-direction, seeking to progressively use or present certain voluntary items they like. We welcome all interested in rights and conscious voluntary alternatives, and LIO  tools of personal, work, scientific or civic betterment.


HOW DO I JOIN? By using LIO tools. Become a fan at our Facebook, share your good work, be kind and courteous to all, and discover and adapt what folks are doing. If you like it , tell people and link to us…and if you wish to register as a pledged Libertarian, or have additional skills to share, volunteer.